Friday, January 28, 2011

Brasserie Dupont: Moinette Biologique

Poured into a goblet style glass, this organic Belgian blonde appears more like a gold/amber ale. It is immediately obvious this beer is unfiltered as it is not only cloudy, but has quite a lot of sediment floating around. This should not be a point for concern as the beer undergoes a second fermentation in the bottle and this sediment enhances the flavour and in no way is bad for the beer; like those large brewing companies would like you to believe for some strange reason. Anyway, topping off this beer is a voluptuous lumpy froth.
Orange/citrus and sweet malt aromas hover around as a small dollop of the creamy head slides down the glass screaming "why aren't you drinking me yet!"
Malt sweetness fills the mouth with a few sneaky visits from your old friend mandarin. A Royal lingering bitter aftertaste hangs around until all the other guests have left the party in your mouth.

This lovely beer quenches a thirst that can be attained from a warm morning of walking through any historic town. Perfectly matched with a pork lunch, outdoors, cast iron seating, old stone building covered in vines.

750ml corked bottle
AUD$15-$20 Approx.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Little Creatures: Rogers

This mid-strength amber ale pours a treacle coloured body with a light amber/orange head.
A delicious, grassy hop aroma wafts from the glass with hints of honey.
The massive and unexpected initial sweet/bitter flavours erupt in the first mouthful of this beer, slowly fading out to a light nutty malt aftertaste.

This beer is perfect for the BBQ. Red meats are also the best match for the flavours this beer has to offer. Another great thing about this mid-strength amber ale is that you can drive home after a few of these and not worry about waking up the next morning in the slammer. On the other hand; it is a great drink for those times when you are at a lunch party that you didn't really want to go, you don't like the people and on top of all that; it's your day off. But, your partner pleaded with you to come along.
For this particular situation, you will find that you will not end up making a drunken idiot of yourself. You may even be legally allowed to drive your lovely partner home and they will think the world of you, because you have been drinking possibly Australia's best low alcohol beer.
6x330ml Bottles
3.8% Alc/Vol